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Chimney bypass for tents

279,00 kr

Chimney bypass for tents

Do you have a tent that you would like to convert into a hot tent?

We have loose cloths for chimney penetrations. Sew it there and cut out a suitable hole for your chimney (Approx. 10-12 cm in diameter)

The material is a fiberglass canvas and can withstand the heat from the chimney, it is the same canvas material that is used in all NORTENTS hottents.

The cloth measures approx. 60 x 35 cm and has the shape as shown in the picture.

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Do you have a tent that you would like to convert into a hot tent?

We have loose cloths for chimney penetrations. Sew it there and cut out a suitable hole for your chimney (Approx. 10-12 cm in diameter)

The material is a fiberglass canvas and can withstand the heat from the chimney, it is the same canvas material that is used in all NORTENTS hottents.

Formen enligt bild.

Om ni vill täcka hålet så rekommenderar vi att ni köper två dukar som ni syr ihop i överkant. Det kommer då fungera som ett "lock" när ni inte använder kamin i tältet. Och därav undviker att det regnar in i tältet. Det går även att köpa en bit ytterduk i passande kulör och sy fast som ovandel på "locket"

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Friluftsliv i Norr AB is run with a passion for a life outdoors, we want to provide products and services that spread joy to our customers. Our ambition is not to become the biggest player, our ambition is to become the biggest in providing quality in our products and services.
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