Norwegian quality tents
The search for the perfect hiking gear is why NORTENT stopped looking and instead took matters into their own hands to produce their own gear. On many of their trips, they had often been annoyed by tents and equipment that were either too heavy, too cramped, too flaming, too difficult to set up, etc. There was always something. The perfect outdoor equipment for NORTENT is spacious, light, safe, easy to set up and of course comfortable, Equipment that you can rely on in all situations and all seasons. After all, it's about having the right equipment in your bag that promotes the feeling of well-being when you walk in the mountains or deep forests. If you have a comfortable trip, the experience and memories easily carry over to the next trip. And the desire and longing for nature becomes even stronger. For NORTENT, it is important to be able to stay where you want, spend the night where you want, set up camp and know that you are comfortable and safe. Crawl into the sleeping bag warm and content without worrying about storm, rain or cold. Yes, now we are talking about the exceptionally good feeling of being one with nature.
You can find NORTENT's products around the world today. To name a few countries where there are dealers or buyers are: USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Columbia. France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden
You can find NORTENT's products around the world today. To name a few countries where there are dealers or buyers are: USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Columbia. France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden
International buyers, please contact us for a buying soultion.